
Competition for the financing of educational, scientific, research and support projects of SMEs announced

Competition for the financing of educational, scientific, research and support projects of SMEs announced

In accordance with the "Regulation on the financing of education, science, research and support projects related to the development of micro, small and medium entrepreneurship" approved by the Decision of the Cabinet of Ministers dated September 30, 2020, Small and Medium Business Development Agency (KOBİA) announces the 3rd grant competition for the purpose of financing projects in education, science, research and support fields.


- Legal entities or individuals belonging to the micro, small and medium businesses can participate in the competition;

- Projects must belong to one of the fields of education, science, research and support;

- Each person has the right to submit only one project within the competition;

- The implementation period of the projects should not be less than three, and more than 12 months;

- Projects that are fully financed by other institutions, ongoing or finished projects cannot be additionally or refinanced by the Agency;

- All essential documentation for competition entry must be presented in full;

- It should be taken into account that the work defined within the project should start from 01.04.2023;

 - The projects submitted to the competition must be written in the Azerbaijani language.

Amount of financial resources to be allocated: The value of the amount of financing for each project is considered to be a maximum of 20,000 (twenty thousand) manats.

Acceptance of documents for the project: November 15, 2022, from 09:00 to December 14, 2022, 18:00 (Note: The documents submitted before or after the specified time will not be accepted).

Competition period: December 16, 2022 - February 10, 2023.

SMEs wishing to participate in the competition can apply to the Agency with the following documents in electronic form ( or on paper carriers from 09:00 on November 15, 2022 to 18:00 on December 14, 2022  (AZ1069, Baku city, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk avenue, 134):

- Application form;

- The project submitted to the competition;

- Financial justification of the project budget;

- Copies of documents confirming the identity and authority of an individual or a representative of a legal entity who is an SME subject;

- If the applicant is a legal entity, copies of the extract from the state register of legal entities and the charter.

The relevant documents can be downloaded from the following link:

Information about the results of the competition will be posted on the official website of KOBİA after February 10, 2023.

Field of study:

- preparation of teaching educational materials;

- preparation and organization of various seminars, conferences, training and practical experience programs, as well as providing teaching, consulting and educational support;

- organizing events and providing knowledge to promote entrepreneurship among startups, women, persons with disabilities and young people;

- involvement of SME subjects in the educational process in higher education and vocational education institutions;

- putting together collaborative programs with educational institutions to improve and train skilled staff suited for SMEs' needs.


- strengthening the activity of SMEs through the implementation of innovative science projects;

- strengthening the activity of SMEs as a result of cooperation with legal entities and individuals engaged in scientific activity, their public associations, as well as participants of scientific activity;

- projects covering scientific work reflecting activity directed to the development of micro, small and medium entrepreneurship;

- Development of interaction of SMEs with industrial and technology parks, technological transfer centers, business incubators and similar enterprises;

- organization of national, regional and international science-oriented conferences, symposiums, seminars and other events in the Republic of Azerbaijan, which are of particular importance for the development of micro, small and medium entrepreneurship, as well as supporting participation in scientific events abroad.

Research area:

- conducting studies covering the innovative development of SMEs;

- conducting research work by SMEs in the field of production and applying the results;

- organization of trainings and seminars in order to stimulate the participation of interested persons in the field of research for the purpose of growth of micro, small and medium entrepreneurship;

- projects aimed at the development of micro, small and medium enterprises, as well as SMEs, increasing their production and expanding their activities;

- projects carried out for the study and research of the means or characteristics affecting the production activity of SMEs;

- increasing the effectiveness of the interaction of research and production areas, strengthening cooperation with educational institutions in the field of research.


- study of international experience, organization of audit, documentation, obtaining patents, management and logistics services;

- assistance with the establishment of laboratory services for the analysis and testing of goods produced by SMEs;

- support for participation in events held in the country and abroad in order to strengthen the personnel potential in the activities of SMEs;

- assistance with documentation and obtaining the necessary certificates for SMEs exporting non-oil goods for the first time in order to aid manufactured goods' access to international markets;

- support for registration of startups promoting innovative entrepreneurship, sale of their products (services), patenting and promotion in international markets;

- support for SMEs to take advantage of high-tech and innovative opportunities, to integrate pertinent technology into their operations, and, if required, to assign professionals in those fields.

For more information: (+994 12) 404 04 01, 131 Call Center.

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