Description of the business project:
An automobile shopping center with a total area of 60,000 m2
and four levels is anticipated to be built as part of the project.
There are planned operations of second-hand stores, an expert
center, a credit office and notary center, a restaurant, and stores
that sell auto components within the center. Without reinvesting
in fixed assets, the operation of the center, which will be built
with modern equipment, is anticipated as 20 years. According to
the financial analysis, it was assumed that taxes on the activity
of the complex would not be levied. The total investment cost,
including land preparation that is essential for the construction
of the complex, construction of additional buildings and
warehouses, and equipment placement, is predicted to be 63,85
million AZN. It is predicted that 75.9% of the investment amount
will be financed with equity, and 24.1% will be financed with a
debt obligation.