Описание бизнес-проекта:
The “Runaway House” investment project includes the further
development of the tourism enterprise, which is currently
operating in the Ismayilli district with the potential of 10 cabin
houses, and large-scale hotel operations. The main goal of this
enterprise operating in Galacik village of Ismayilli district is to
be a leading enterprise in the South Caucasus in the ecotourism
sector based on the principles of sustainable tourism. The
investment project includes the strategies and market analysis
required to expand this small-scale tourism enterprise to 200
cabins. Without reinvestment in fixed assets, the operation
service life of a modernly equipped runaway house is anticipated
to be seven years. The total investment amount, including costs
for land preparation necessary for the construction of the
complex, additional buildings and warehouses, and equipment
placement, is calculated to be AZN 3,593,034. It is expected that
63.6% of the investment amount will be financed by equity and
36.4% by debt.